Sabrina & Tagg (snitching honeydew) at 4-H |
Sabrina Allen, 17, has ridden and trained in the 4-H horse program since she was in third grade. In 2013, she adopted Tagg, a mustang from a BLM herd in Wyoming, and trained him by riding an average of six days a week, year-round. Her efforts have paid off in that he is a well-trained horse with whom she has won blue ribbons. Sabrina also rides Moki, our red roan quarterhorse, in 4-H. Sabrina organized this horse camp to share her love of horses as well as to earn money for an international humanitarian trip.
Jewel & Moki |
As a 4-H horse mom to three children (Sabrina and her two older siblings) since 2005, Jewel Allen was one of the first in the family to tack up a horse (because her children were too little to saddle up their horses by themselves). Even though her children are now older and can tack up their own horses, she continues to teach other kids and adults how to have a safe, fun time on horses at riding parties.
Drew rides English-style in Ireland |
Drew Allen is Sabrina's dad. His idea of a fun day-off is to get a horseback ride in there somehow. He didn't grow up with horses, but he has an ancestor who was Norway's Keeper of the King's horses. For his day job, he is a small animal veterinarian. He dreams of someday riding horses in at least 80 different countries.